Temperature Sensors

There are lots of ways to detect temperature, from old mercury thermometers to bimetallic strips. Most of these rely on some material property that changes as the material heats or cools:


In the HVAC world we need to know the temperature of air and water at dozens of points along its journey into and out of the occupied space in order to control various active devices along the system. The de facto standard for most point air and water sensors is the thermistor due to a number of factors:

its low cost, simple installation, and simple output.

Thermistor Curves

There are several specific "curves" used by major manufacturers. Some curves are specific to metal alloys, some are calibrated against a specific "reference point" (usually 25°C).

Often you find old sensors in the field connected to old controllers with no documentation or part numbers. If you want to reuse the sensor, you need to figure out what curve it uses and make sure your new controller has the mapping. Below are plots of the most popular curves plotted against each other for easy reference.